Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Analyze your feedburner feed with Graphs and Charts

What is Feed Analysis?

The number of subscribers is very useful for bloggers to determine the popularity of their blogs. Yet, blogger like me may hope that the FeedBurner stats can tell us how fruitful our effort results without much analytical calculation on our own. As such, I developed Feed Analysis which can provide bloggers, with the aid of beautiful interactive charts, a more detailed report and analysis from our feeds.

A cool tool to Analyze your blogs feedburner feed, created by Blogperfume.

With the help of Feed Analysis, you can see the number of subscribers for each month that is represented neatly on the column chart. You can also view the number of subscribers, hits, views and clicks for every single day from the line chart. And the best/worst day of the week is also available which is displayed on the pie chart.

To analyze feedburner feed you just need to type it in the box (which is on the bottom side) select the range of month and click on "Generate Report".

The report will appear like this

1) The column chart represents the number of Subscribers per month.


The orange part of the column shows the total subscriber of that month and the yellow part shows the subscribers that have been added to the month.

2) This is a graph of Number of Subscribers, Hits, Views and Daily Clicks


3) The following chart shows the total number of subscribers on each day of the week with its percentage.


The previous version of Feed Analysis was little bit complicated, to analyze a blog feed the blogger need to

-Log in to the feedburner account

-Then select the feed to analyze

-Download the CSV file then upload it to Blog Perfume.

These all work is covered in the latest version i.e. v1.1


I think this is a cool tool to analyze a feed for Blogger. What do you think about this?

Analyze your feedburner feed here: Feed Analysis v1.1

If you have any suggestions to this tool send them through comments.

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