Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just A Little Dessert - The Tiny Add-on Sale; Twitterview Today; Partying With Big Electric Cat

Good Morning Everyone,

Hey, a couple of things real quick before we get started today. 

Twitterview Reminder

Twitterview Don't forget to check out my Twitterview with Peachpit today at 2:00 p.m. EDT.  This is a first for me but we did a dry run yesterday and all looks good to go.

To tune in, just follow @Peachpit and @DigitalProTalk. You can even set up a Tweetdeck group with just those 2 tweeps and follow along or search for this hashtag: #CBTL.

Bringing Down The House With Big Electric Cat At PSW

I couldn't wait to get back home and check out the images I captured at the Photoshop World’s big party last Wednesday night.  Not only did I shoot stills with my handy dandy Canon 7D, I also shot several video clips too. 

OK, how to bring them all together as quickly as possible - well, Animoto, of course.  I did the quick edit of the stills in Lightroom and exported them as 1280px on the long side and uploaded them to Animoto.  Next I grabbed about 8 of the short 10 second video clips I captured and sent them up to Animoto too - no editing required. 

I had forgotten how easily Animoto lets you trim up the videos once you’ve uploaded to them. Total edit time took little to no time at all.  I did a quick trim of the videos, placed them in the sequence I wanted and that was that.  Next, select the music and hit "Make Video" - it's way, way to easy!

Here is my final "fun" Animoto video of the evening.  -Enjoy!

Pretty cool, don’t you think?  I love the video clips with the stills – and it’s soooo easy.

OK gang time to get on with our Business Day Thursday post. Here we go.

Just A Little Dessert - The Tiny Add-on Sale

OK gang, some good ideas coming your way that may even pay for your next vacation.

Hit the “Read More…” link below to find out how to add to your bottom line, a little bit at a time.

I have to tell ya' - sometimes I get my best sales ideas at restaurants. Today's post will point you to a new way of thinking about add-on dollars from your wedding and portrait sales.

Here's what happened.  Last week we headed down to Orlando for this year's Photoshop World.  We got in town later in the afternoon and decided to have an early dinner at Seasons 52.  It's a great restaurant and we’ve previously enjoyed the menu and service.

Seasons 52 is like any really good restaurant - lots of tasty menu choices from soups to salads to main courses.  The server took our orders and we sat back and enjoyed a great meal.

Now I don't know about you guys and girls, but I ALWAYS pass on the desserts when eating out at restaurants.  I generally over indulge with an appetizer, soup, salad, entre’ selections of the menu and just NEVER have room for dessert. Plus, I don't don't want to spend another $6-10 for the added goodies.

You're wandering how this is going to shape up into a sales lesson today, aren't you?  Just hang in here. Our server comes back to our table as we were finishing our meal and asked if we would like to try one of their mini indulgences?  Their what?

Mini Indulgences She showed us this dessert list of MINI-desserts, called mini-indulgences, at only $2.50 each.  I was hooked - the guy that never gets a dessert.  Now I could get a little mini taste of key lime pie, one of my favorite dessert flavors for only $2.50 - what a deal. The dessert offer dented neither the waistline or my wallet - I'll have one!

Folks, this is "Beauty in Sales" - one of the best sales ideas I've run across in a long time.  You are completely full, you don't want yourself heavier with the extra calories, or your wallet lighter because of the cost - BUT you can't say no to Season 52's offer.  What a great way to ever so slightly incrementally raise sales.

So how can we bring this same lesson to our own businesses?  OK, let's put everything in perspective first. Your client has just selected all the photographs for their album.  They've selected the photos for the family albums.  They've picked out images for family and friends.  They are finished, they are happy and "full" with their "photography meal". What are a few "mini-indulgences you could offer?

Remember, the offer is made after the sales close.  The price point must be low enough and the perceived value sufficient so that the customer will not say "NO". I think the price point should be around $5, $10, but certainly not over $20.

This works for weddings, family portrait, high school seniors, almost any photographic "people" session. 

Here are 7 of my $10 suggestions:

1. 5 low res (1024x768px) images for their iPod/iPhone/Facebook/screen saver.  These images would look even better on the new iPad that's ready to launch too.

2. A $20 gift card for only $10.  They can use it as a stocking stuffer at Christmas or include with other images selected for friends and family.

3. 100 "Business cards" they could use to share with friends.  I already covered a similar idea right here at DPT.

5. 10 photographic "Play Date" cards with their image.

6. 10 Note Cards presented stylishly with bows and ribbons printed on your color printer.

7. 1 4x5 B&W photograph in a value priced frame for office/grandma/friend/etc. 

Use you own imagination - the possibilities are endless.  Remember, the cost must be low and the value high.  We want the client to say "yes" at least 80% of the time.  Do this 50-100 times a year and you have part of next year's vacation already paid for by offering your own tasty selection of mini-indulgences!

Why not join the conversation and add your own ideas to the "Comments" section below.


Hey gang, that's it for me today.  We are making room for the new printer so things are a bit busy for us today. Hey, don't forget to check in for my Twitterview later today at 2:00p.m. EDT.

Have a great one!


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